Sunday, January 20, 2008


"The royal road to the unconscious" is what Sigmund Freud said of dreams.

The subconscious, the imagination and myriad thought processes, emotions, memories and sensations woven together by the finest gossamer of fascinating connectivity are what dreams are made up of....

Physiologically dreams are believed to be rapid eye movement coupled with responses to thoughts, words, and actions. Whatever they are, dreams are remarkable, sometimes happy, sometimes scary, sometimes mundane and sometimes defying logic and reason.

Not all dreams can be recalled... sometimes they come back to the mind in bits and pieces like odd pieces of a jigsaw...incomplete and hazy...without a beginning or an end...

I dream sometimes that buildings just walk away from their locations..... a pride of lions surround my home and rivers flow uphill just when I sail across!

In the more ordinary dreams I lose my way to office, miss a flight, or all my teeth just fall off! Meeting a friend after years, winning a lottery, and holidaying in exotic locales are some of the pleasant dreams I remember.

And of course there are those dreams I could rather do without... the scary, tension ridden ones.... waking from which I feel a deep sense of relief...

There are vivid day dreams I have... call them wishful thinking, call them a waste of time, call them escapism... whatever they are.. they are significant in my waking hours... and I lucidly dream of successfully finishing off tasks, spending quality time with the people who count in my life and passing tests with flying colors.

Curiosity persuaded me to surf several sites on the net about dream interpretations. I even joined a dream forum to discuss dreams and get mine analysed...To my relief some of the more bizarre dreams had reassuring interpretations... How authentic the analyses are and how many dreams will come true... I do not know...

Meanwhile, I continue to dream.....