Thursday, October 4, 2007

International Bloggers Day

Today is the International Blogger's day and I couldnt find a more auspicious day to write my first blog.
Every time Ive read a blog, Ive admired the writer's ability to put his own thoughts on paper, his ability to muse and his knack of stepping back to review the thoughts for and about the day.
Blame it on my being reticent or just plain inability to express myself commendably, but blogging I felt was for the brave and lion-hearted. If there's something funny Id like to write about I stall, - - because I wonder whether the readers would appreciate the humor or not, depending on how I express myself.
When I think something may make news I wonder whether I know enough about the subject to write about it....
So pour out my doubts, and eventually, its bye bye blogging and I switch over to try winning an online game.
But here I am today taking my first, hesitant step into a community that has thrived so well on the net, and hope to remain in it for some time.